Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Space

I've started to use my MySpace page a bit more lately. I've got it all decked-out and whatnot now too. It's not lookin' too bad these days. I've also started to use some of the tools on that site a bit. One such tool is the 'search' option. There's some 60 million people on myspace or at least that many accounts. Most of them are people my age or younger. So if you go to the search option you can just type in a person's name and there's at least a 50% chance they're gonna have a page. I've typed in a number of people. It's put me backin touch with a handful of people I haven't seen or heard from for 5+ years. I've also found people's profiles which were a bit dissappointing. I'll type someone's name in only to find they've gone a direction in life that isn't the best. Some seeming to have walked away from the faith a bit. One I typed in yesterday is now apparently a pluralist. Either way it's interesting to look people up. Even if you don't try to contact all of them, it's interesting to see where life takes people in such a short period of time.


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