Sunday, November 19, 2006

Uneventful Days

I find myself now deeply entrenched into a day-to-day routine. My alarm goes off every Monday through Friday at the same time 6:50A.M. I always hit snooze at least once, if not twice. I sleep as late as possible, ready myself quickly, and jump in my car for work by about 7:30. I try to get to the parking garage at work by 7:55 at the latest, b/c it takes me about 5 minutes to walk to my desk on the third floor. I always take the stairs and not the elevator. For those who were wondering, the staircase is a combination of one side being evenly numbered steps and the other odd, though I haven't counted the number of steps. Saturday is my sacred sleep-in day, which usually amounts to waking up at about 9:30 or 9:45 at the latest.

My evenings consist of driving home, grabbing dinner and trying to be at the gym by about 8:30 at the latest. I work out with my buddy Paul usually 5 times a week. The gym is a must if you intend to avoid having your posterior grow to the shape of your ergonomicly designed office chair. My weekend nights are typically spent with friends at one of our normal bars, or at the occasional movie.

I don't really meet a great deal of new people, though attending a new church has helped in that department. It just seems like I wake up every Monday morning and start counting down 'til Saturday morning. Life is one ongoing routine for me.

Not sure I'm a big fan of it all. I miss packing my bags every couple months and driving a thousand miles away to my second home in Philly. Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't miss Philly but the change in scenery was nice. I guess this routine is a reality for almost everyone, at least in the U.S.

It always amazes me how quickly weeks fly by, then months, even years. I'm seriously going to be 60 years old before I know what hit me. As much as I endeavor to savor the moments as they pass, they still pass and I'm powerless to stop them.


Blogger goodnight moon said...

thanks for the update! i was wondering what happened to you...are you sure you don't want to drive up here for another fantabulous t-day dinner with my fam?

5:43 PM  
Blogger John Howell said...

Life is short and quick my man. And it does seem to become dull after a while. It is so urgent that we seek to build Shalom while we have life left. When we are, thats a thought, what will we think as we look back on these years? I pray we will rejoice that we were faithful to give ourselves to Yahweh's vision and not our own, or rather that as we grew in our love and knowledge of Him we made his passion for redemption our own passion.

6:38 PM  

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