Sunday, November 13, 2005

O. C. D.

We all went out tonight. Well at least five of us did, out to Fatty's, this bar about 5 mins from Machen. I had 2 Capt/Cokes and a beer, maybe that factored in maybe not. But that's when I revealed a few of my oddities. I guess to some extend at least, I am O.C.D. More specifically, I kinda count steps a bit when I walk. You know, or maybe you don't. I'll just explain a bit. I tend to be right-handed for one, in some ways rather severely right-handed. As far as the steps go, I sort of count them. (by steps I mean stairs) I always finish a staircase with my right foot. I tend to remember if a staircase has an odd or an even number of steps (the majority are even) and I order my steps accordingly. Does this make me O.C.D.? Possibly

My other O.C.D. tendency is with my money. It needs to be in order. Again I'll explain. Larger bills you towards the back and they follow in descending order (50s, 20s, 10s, 5s, 1s). I also keep the nicer and newer bills towards the back (a dingier more crumbled bill goes towards the front and is spent first). I also got a bit into my oddities when it comes to eating, which I wont try to explain here. Does this make me O.C.D. or maybe just plain weird? It might.


Blogger goodnight moon said...

You didn't mention stepping over the sidewalk cracks with your right foot. Yeah, I'm still pretty freaked out by this...never would have pegged you as OCD! Will never walk up the stairs in front of you again either.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Autobahn said...

Well, I don't always step over sidewalk cracks w/ my right foot. That's just most of the time I guess. I don't really pay attention to that very much, it's mainly just staircases. Then I also have little things I do while I'm @ work. But, you should see my room! Whatever O.C.D. I might have clearly stops when I enter my room, I just put things wherever.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave I used to do similiar things like counting my steps. maybe it runs in the family

12:13 AM  

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