Friday, June 02, 2006


I've been trying to avoid packing all day. Yeah, I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning; 8AM sharp. There's a big part of me that just doesn't want to go. So many people; people I love, people that have shown such love to me, people that have challenged me, people that have encouraged me. God has used so many people to bless me in so many ways, ways that I recognize and ways that I don't. I keep running into people around campus and wondering if I'll see them again. Then I think of the people I haven't seen for a couple days and it dawns on me that I most likely won't see them again. It can be a little depressing to think about it in these terms. But I've also been receiving phone calls and messages almost daily from friends and family back home who are urging me to come home soon. It's all such a bittersweet experience, but I really do have to start packing.