Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Worst Songs

As many who know me will attest, Baja Fresh is one of my favorite places. I go there about once a week or so. So today as I was there ordering nachos for lunch something happened that honestly made me want to run out of there. I had to sit through one of the worst songs I've heard. One that I've hated for years, one that really really bothers me whenever I hear it. Somehow I managed to stay inside and finish my nachos, but it got me thinking. What is the worst song ever made? So, I thought I'd pose the question on this blog. Feel free to post your response and interact w/mine or others, in fact please post your response. The song I heard today and one that is certainly in the running for the worst is Alice Bridges 'I love the night life (disco round)'.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

O. C. D.

We all went out tonight. Well at least five of us did, out to Fatty's, this bar about 5 mins from Machen. I had 2 Capt/Cokes and a beer, maybe that factored in maybe not. But that's when I revealed a few of my oddities. I guess to some extend at least, I am O.C.D. More specifically, I kinda count steps a bit when I walk. You know, or maybe you don't. I'll just explain a bit. I tend to be right-handed for one, in some ways rather severely right-handed. As far as the steps go, I sort of count them. (by steps I mean stairs) I always finish a staircase with my right foot. I tend to remember if a staircase has an odd or an even number of steps (the majority are even) and I order my steps accordingly. Does this make me O.C.D.? Possibly

My other O.C.D. tendency is with my money. It needs to be in order. Again I'll explain. Larger bills you towards the back and they follow in descending order (50s, 20s, 10s, 5s, 1s). I also keep the nicer and newer bills towards the back (a dingier more crumbled bill goes towards the front and is spent first). I also got a bit into my oddities when it comes to eating, which I wont try to explain here. Does this make me O.C.D. or maybe just plain weird? It might.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sleep or Lack Thereof

Maybe this is just a post for the sake of posting, I don't know. Just one of those nights that I just can't seem to fall asleep. You ever have that? You know, where your just sitting there in bed, thinking about the day, thinking about life's big questions, thinking about some girl, thinking about how tired you're gonna be tomorrow. I know it's not just me.

Then all of the sudden it starts to get kind of exciting. It turns into some sort of opportunity to, I don't know, do things you'd normally do during the day. Like posting on your blog for example. So I decided I'd make the most of this opportunity I have tonight. Not only am I blogging, but I just got back from what was about a 40 minute walk. It was raining earlier (lightning actually; rare to see up here/reminds me of home) and I noticed it stopped so I grabbed my iPod and went out. I always wonder if someone sees me walking alone @ 2:00AM through the neighborhood. What must they think? Hmmm. Oh well, maybe they can't sleep either and I can give them an idea of how to spend their non-sleeping time.

Well, not a whole lot else to say. Just kinda sitting here, feeling compelled to type words on to this page for some odd reason.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Machen Mafia

I actually wrote this post a couple of hours ago, but due to problems w/ my blog it was deleted. Not that anyone was really concerned with that though. Anyways, on with the post. I think it was this past Wednesday night that it first happened. I came down stairs around 12:30am to find 5-6 people sitting in the Mach living room. Were they praying or worshiping, nah! They had a deck of cards and they were playing this game called Mafia. I pretended to have been awakened by their voices just to mess with Tiffany (she and I have awoken another of our dorm mates on a few occasions this semester). Then I was introduced to this game "Mafia". I had heard of the game from other people here at WTS but had never played.
The next thing I knew hours had gone by and we all still wanted to play. The game has only grown from there. Earlier tonight we played with 10 or so people (many of them not form Machen). We started at 9:30, a reasonable hour, and we played until 1am! Yeah sure there was talk about papers being due and other such responsibilities, but this was Mafia we couldn't just stop. Besides "this is the last game"! As I told Tiffany, "just sacrifice sleep". We can all get by fine with 5hrs instead of 8, no problem. Looking at the clock, I hope I was right.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Album Review

One of the things I wanted to do w/ this blog (which is 1 week old today :) ) is to be able to write an occasional album review. Now I don't claim to really know all that much about music, can't read it or write it, just a fan.
Depeche Mode has always been one of those borderline "guilty pleasure" bands for me. I think they are a great band, while at the same time their sound is a bit....well... It's hard to describe. Let's just say that it often reminds me of the Saturday Night Live sketch 'Sprockets' "now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!!" Anytime I mention Depeche Mode favorably to someone, I half expect them to laugh at me, and they sometimes do.
Depeche Mode, veterans of the electronic/new wave/alternative scene, have been at it for 25 some odd years now. October 18th saw the release of their 12th (not including compilations) album 'Playing the Angel'. 'Playing the Angel' sees Depeche Mode returning again to the sound that made them one of the biggest acts in the world at the turn of the '90s. It is quintessential Depeche Mode, M. Gore's catchy songs sung by the piercing voice of D. Gahan. I've had the album for about a week, enough time to get a fairly good feel for it. The lead single "Precious" amongst others stands out as the better tracks. The other track scheduled for release is "John the Revelator" where the band continues their tradition of attacking Christianity, in this case calling John a liar who "is stealing a God" from the Israelite, and the Muslim & who should "hang his head in shame". The 3rd track "Suffer Well" is one of a number of better tracks on the album along w/ "I want it All", "Nothing's Impossible", and "The Darkest Star". Overall, this is Depeche Mode's best work since 'Violator' and I'd give it a rating of 8 out of 10. A solid purchase for any Depeche Mode fan, or anyone interested in trying the band out.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lookin' for the right pants?

Two posts in one day?? I know that's getting ambitious and as Thom Yorke would say "ambition makes you look pretty ugly". But I decided to disregard Mr. Yorke and post this anyway. Quite funny, enjoy. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8335653541

Your Mom Goes To College

More than a couple people have told me in the last year that I should do a Napoleon Dynamite spoof for the school talent show w/ myself playing Napoleon. Maybe that's why this is even funnier. My brother Daniel, who actually introduced me to the movie, had a costume contest @ his work for Halloween. As you can see, he was the winner.