Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Highway Robbery Ect........

So I have my new job and I basically know what type of income I can expect for the next year or so at least. Couple that with the fact that I'm not in school & I kind of feel now would be a good time to really get out on my own. So I've been doing the apartment shopping and all that, trying to balance a projected budget for myself. One thing I find myself in the market for is auto insurance. Some may be aware of this others may not, but since I made my first auto insurance payment I have hated the industry all together. It really makes me think of the mob or the tax collectors from biblical times. Guys who you sort of have to pay or else, even though you know you're getting screwed over. I don't even want to think about how much money I've paid in auto insurance, let alone how much I will eventually pay, in my lifetime. I do know that I've never seen a dime of it and I never will. And should I ever actually need them to provide me with even the smallest of services in exchange for my payments, I can rest assured (or maybe I should say rest insured) that those payments will be increased. Heaven forbid they actually have to give me something in exchange for the thousands of dollars I pay them. It is quite literally highway robbery. I may sound a little fired-up as I write this, maybe that's b/c it's 3AM and I been up getting online quotes for insurance. Bear with me.

So I was driving home yesterday and as I approached a split in the road this young woman (probably a year or two younger than me at least) decided that changing lanes on a wet road, talking on a cell phone, at 60+ mph, without looking was a good idea. It of course was not a good idea. But in keeping with the driving philosophy that I've maintained since I first started driving, I anticipated her making that move. I saw her moving and had already avoided the would be collision at least a half second to a second before she knew I was there. But does that ever find its way onto my, or anyone else's, insurance bill? Not really. I guess I'm just venting, or as Scripture would probably call it, grumbling and complaining. It just seems like there's something very unjust about the whole auto insurance industry, and just about any other insurance for that matter.